Whole Numbers Videos

Choose one of the following Number videos:

The Numbears
This grade 1 math video involves a bear counting numbers up to 10. Great for young learners and very funny.
Numbers up to 30
In this video students will learn how to count up to 30. Grade 1 basic mathematics video.
Numbers up to 100
Funny video using music and colors to count all the way up to 100. Young learners will love this video.
Comparing easy numbers
Primary 1 comparing easy numbers using the famous symbols. Very easy and very clearly explained. Good video.
Place Value Grade 2
Very catchy rock song explaing ones, tens and hundreds. Excellent grade 2 mathematics video that rocks. Students will love this one!
Ordering numbers Grade 3
Very clear instruction video explaining the thousand comma in bigger numbers. Suited for Grade 3 students.
Place Value Grade 3
Very clear instruction video explaining the thousand comma in bigger numbers. Suited for Grade 3 students.
Rounding off Grade 3
This simple but very effective math instruction video explains how to round numbers off to the nearest hundred.
Place Value Grade 5
Grade 5 place value math video. On a catchy rap song kids can learn how to place and name thousands to thousandths.
Rounding off decimal Grade 5
Rather slow paced but very clear instruction video on rouding off numbers to the nearest tenth or hundredth using a math word problem.

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