Number and Logic IQ puzzles

Free and printable math and number puzzles suited for all kids, parents, teachers and math learners. Choose your favourite math or logic puzzles:

Our math and number puzzles explained:
Printable Brain Teasers Test your IQ and logic skills and print our brain teasers in different levels.

Math Crosswords Enjoy and master our printable math crossword puzzles for kids, that will help you master or teach basic math skills. The printable math crosswords number puzzles are used by students to practice and review math skills learned in school.

Sudoku puzzles for kids We have printable sudoku puzzles in smaller 4 by 4 and 6 by 6 grids that are ideal for beginners and kids. Start with our easier sudoku puzzles and then move on to our printable 9 by 9 puzzles.

Printable Numbrix puzzles can boost your logic skills and increase brain power. Our Numbrix number puzzles are printable and made for both kids and adults, and can be solved at home or during math class. Connect all numbers on the grid, without taking your pencil of the paper. Challenging logic puzzles for students.

KenKen or MathDoku are the perfect printable puzzles for math learner, as they combine logic and math skills. Fill in the grid with numbers by using the math operators in the cells. Printable math puzzles that will boost a student's math skills.

Math Wordsearches are great as math exercises. Calculate the words to be found, and find them in the wordsearches. Our printable math puzzles come in multiplication, addition, subtraction and othe rmath topics.

Shape algebra (1) are printable shape puzzles for math students with shapes. Use logic and math skills to find the value of thedifferent shapes.

Shape Algebra (2) math shape puzzles. Train your logic and number skills and find the value of teh different shapes in the boxes given their total.

Printable Kakuro puzzles are addition based math puzzles for all levels. Kakuro puzzles can be used in the classroom or at home as 'homework'. Kids love to do our addition puzzles and get better at math by solving them.

Prinatble Hidato puzzles are fantastic brain boosters and logic puzzles. The puzzles are invented and created by Dr. Gyora Benedek. Connect the numbers, like a number snake, and solve these printable puzzles made for kids and beginners.

Fubuki number puzzles are great for math students. Fill in the numbers 1 to 9 so that they add up to the clue numbers. Practice your addition skills by using our printable math puzzles for young learners.

Shikaku Area puzzles are number and logic puzzles in which you have to divide a grid cells each representing a certain area. Great printable math and logic puzzles.

Killer Sudoku puzzles are a combination between Sudoku and Kakuro addition puzzles. Our printable Killer Sudoku puzzles are great for math students.

Magic Hundreds math puzzles for young learners. Make each row and column add up to 100 by adding digits to the numbers in the cells. Magic Hundred math puzzles can be quite challenging.

Printable Matchstick puzzles are fantastic to test and boost your logic abilities and skills. Great as warmer or reward for math students in class.

Printable Addition Squares are famous math and addition puzzles that are perfect for math students. Math puzzles and learning go hand in hand with these number summation puzzles.

CrossMath operation puzzles are printed math puzzles for math students of all ability levels. Fill in the grids by using the given operators. Perfect for math class and tutoring.

Tenner grids are very challenging math grid puzzles that are based on logic and addition skills. Start with the easier levels and work your way up.

Mathrix operation and math puzzles for math students. Our printable math puzzles are great for in math school or for math tutoring.

Fillomino is a fantastic printable logic puzzle in different difficulty levels. Prinatble Fillomino puzzles come from Japan and are great for math purposes.

More or Less puzzles are Sudoku-like puzzles with a more or less condition. Fantastic for math students and printable.

Building Bridges are printable logic puzzles and great for math students.

Masyu Circles printable logic puzzles are great for boosting your brainpower.

Our Math puzzles for kids are fun and benefit math students!
By solving our math number and logic puzzles and brain teasers students are actively developing analytical and problem solving skills. Puzzles are not just fun, but also benefit student learning. Math teasers can be used as warmers, homework or remedial learning and teaching materials. After each chapter or topic, puzzles can be used to assess student learning and ability. This way we can use math puzzles as instruments in student learning.

The puzzles on this site are based on the following math topics:
- multiples and factors
- even and odd numbers
- addition and subtraction
- number patterns
- multiplication
- prime numbers
- exponents

Are math puzzles come with answers and can be very challenging. If yo have any suggestions, please contact us.

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