Geometry Videos

Choose one of the following Geometry videos:

Basic Shapes
Video that explains basic shapes and uses songs and daily object to illustrate the use of the shapes. Funny characters make learning a piece of cake.
Drawing Shapes
Great cartoon video about drawing the basic shapes as a stimulation for remedial teaching for at home of in the classroom.
Repeating Pattern
Video showing repeating shape patterns in real life. Great math video illustrating the importance and basics of geometry presented by a carton rabbit.
The World of Elly
Elly tells about her world by describing all the circles around her, from lamps, traffic lights, the sun and more. Hand on primary geometry video to explain all about the concept of circles
3D Shapes
Great geometry video about 3D shapes. The video introduces shapes like a sphere, cone, cube and cylinder and relates them to the basic 2D shapes.
3D Shapes
Colorful video with rotating 3D shapes such as cone, pyramid, sphere, cylinder, prism and many more. Simple but effective primary geometry video
Semi Circles
Math video about semi circles and which objects they make up. Very simple but clear geometry instruction.
Parallel and Perpendicular
Lady sings a song about parallel and perpendicular lines. Great geometry reinforcement and motivation video for in the classroom.
Introduction to Angles
Geometry video about angles. What are angles, where can we find them and how do you recognize them? Great for grade 3 and 4 math class.
Right angles in shapes
Geometry video explaining right angles and in which shapes they can be found. Great remedial or motivation learning resource.
Measuring Angles
Measuring angles by using a protractor can be very challenging for young math learners. This video clearly explains how to use a protractor.
Point, Line and Line Segment
Cartoon video with a professor explaining all there is to know about points, lines and segment. Great geometry video for in the classroom.
Introduction to Symmetry
This math geometry video clearly explains what symmetry is and uses some easy to understand examples.
Classifying Triangles
This math resource explains how to classify triangles (Equilateral, Isosceles and Scalene) in terms of their side lengths and angle properties
Angles on a Straight Line
This video clearly explains how to calculate angles and angle properties on a straight line with easy to understand examples.
I am a parallelogram
Math song about a parallelogram explaining the angle properties. Great geometry video for in the classroom.
Introduction to Nets and 3D Objects
Geometry video that introduces working with nets and 3D objects. Very clear math instructional video.
Angle properties in a Trapezium
Instructional geometry video explaining the angle properties in a trapezium.

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