Square Roots worksheets

Choose one of the following square roots worksheet categories. Our elementary square root worksheets are free and printable.

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Here you find our worksheets with square roots suited for grade levels 6 and 7. We have finding square roots worksheets with square roots up to 50, worksheets in which the radical is unknown, square root estimation worksheets and worksheets in which the calculator can be used to find the square root.

We have also a lot of worksheets with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of square roots with perfect square roots and not so perfect square roots. Very challenging are the square root operation materials with the missing square roots.

For the real math aces, we have added square root worksheets with fractions and decimals. Have fun.

Our square roots worksheets for math grade 6 cover: finding square roots, finding radicals in square roots, adding square roots, subtracting square roots, multiplying square roots, dividing square roots, square roots of fractions, square roots of decimals.

Our worksheets with Square Roots are based on the following Singaporean Curriculum math topics:

  • Finding and listing perfect square roots
  • Adding and subtracting perfect squares
  • Multiplying and dividing square roots
  • Finding square roots of fractions
  • Finding square roots of decimals
  • Being able to calculate the radicals
  • Estimation of square roots that are not perfect
  • Finding the missing radicals in operations
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