These are our Multiplication of Integers primary math worksheets. Click on the previews to go to download page.

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Our other Integer Worksheets

On this page you find our worksheets with negative integers, negative decimals and negative fractions. Our negative number worksheets are suited for math grade 6 and 7 and are a great math resource for remedial math or math tutoring purposes. We have integer worksheets covering the addition and subtraction of integers and negatives, from number bonds to worksheets with missing addends and subtrahends.

We also have a lot of multiplication of integer worksheets, division of integers and negative numbers and order of operations with integer worksheets (BODMAS/PEMDAS). More challenging are our worksheets with negative decimals and negative fractions.

Our integers worksheets for math grade 6 cover: adding integers and negative numbers worksheets, subtraction of integers worksheets, multiplying integers worksheets, dividing negative numbers and integers, order of operations with integers and negative numbers, negative fractions worksheets and negative decimals worksheets.

Our Integer and Negative numbers worksheets are based on the following Singaporean Curriculum math topics:

  • Adding integers and solving missing addend problems
  • Subtraction of integers and solving poblems with missing subtrahends
  • Number bonds with integers and negative numbers
  • Multiplication of integers
  • Division of integers
  • Solving problems with negative fractions
  • Solving problems with negative decimals
  • Mixed operations with integers and negative numbers
  • Problems with integers involving the BODMAS rules
  • Solving integer equations with 3 terms
  • Solving equation problems with 4 terms
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