Addition and Subtraction Videos

Choose one of the following Addition and Subtraction videos:

Grade 1 Addition I
This video clip clearly explains how to add basic numbers using marbles. Well paced and excellent for young learners.
Grade1 subtraction I
This video clip clearly explains how to subtract basic numbers using balloons. Well paced and excellent for young learners.
Number line subtraction grade 1
Cartoon like math video using a number line and a catchy tune to explain the basics of subtraction. This video is great for young grade 1 math students.
Adding 2 and 3 digit numbers Grade 2
Very clear video on how to add 2 and 3 digit numbers using a pen and a notebook. Well paced and explained.
3 digit addition Grade 2
This video is made by grade 2 students who are explaining how to add 3 digit numbers by using a horizontal column method. Very interesting!
3 digit subtraction Grade 2
Simple but effective math video. A teacher explains how to subtract 3 digit numbers using the traditional green board!
3 digit subtraction Grade 2
Instruction video on how to subtract 3 digit numbers using the place value methods. This video is made by a group of students.
4 digit addition Grade 3
Very clear video on how to add 4 digit numbers using a pen and a notebook. Well paced and explained. Great for third graders!
Adding fractions Grade 3
How to make fractions easy? Well the maker of this video clip did just that. Adding fractions with the same denominator looks very simple this way!
Subtracting fractions Grade 3
Very clear fraction video for grade 3 and 4! This video shows step by step how to subtract fractions with different denominators.
Adding fractions Grade 4
This video explains how to add (simple) unlike fractions. Excellent for end grade 3 or beginning grade 4 math students.
Subtracting mixed numbers Grades 4 and 5
This video clearly explains how to subtract mixed number with unlike denominators by turning mixed numbers in improper fractions.
Subtracting decimals Grades 4 and 5
Subtracting decimals made easy! This teacher uses the place value method and explains how to subtract decimals from whole numbers.
Adding decimals Grade 5
Adding decimals can be tricky. Students need to learn how to use decimal models and that's exactly what this video brings!
Subtracting numbers with an Abacus Grades 5/ 6
This video explains how to use an Abacus and how to subtract numbers with it. The video has 2 parts and canbe used for all grade levels.
Adding money Grade 6
This video uses mental math methods to add money (with decimals) rapidly. Great video for grade 6 and up.

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